Other Services

  • Staff Trainings

    Educating staff is a key component of waste reduction. We design and implement trainings that will empower your staff to know how to correctly dispose of any item and understand the importance of proper waste disposal.

    Trainings can be in person or virtual to accommodate to your needs.

  • Waste Bin Placement Optimization

    The placement and number of waste containers can significantly increase diversion rates. We will ensure you only have the right number of containers, strategically placed making it easy for your staff to dispose of items correctly. Also making it easy for janitorial staff to make their job more efficient.

  • Signage and Labeling

    Colors, images and words play a big role in helping people understand how to sort items correctly. We will ensure all your signage is consistent throughout your location, it’s easy to read, available in several languages and that colors are consistent with the container and liner.

  • Communications

    When implementing a new program it’s important to let everyone know about the upcoming changes and expectations. We help you create an internal and external communications plan for stakeholders with details about the program, resources for staff and reports on goals and achievements.